This is not to say I feel deprived in any sort of way, I'm full off of less food, and its been SO tasty. Salmon, chicken, pork, steak. Spinach, bell pepper, garlic, broccoli. Pretty much all I've been eating, and I couldn't be happier. We went to SF the other day, and we ordered some fried zucchini with our chowder, but I was SO not into the breading. It's as if my taste buds have changed, which is most certainly not a bad thing. I feel sick even thinking about my "usual" from Jack in the Box.
But. I still want some damn Phish Food.
Measurements (compared to this entry on 2/21)
Weight: 218 (from 226 on 3/1)
Waist: 35.5 (from 37)
Arms: 15.5 (from 16)
Legs: 29.5 (from 30)
Hips: 48 (from 48.5)