Monday, August 13, 2007


Well, thats what it said on Saturday morning.

Anyway, Blue Devils won DCI. I'm pretty iffy about it, because a long time ago, three best friends and I shook hands over some fast food, saying that in 2007 we'd all march Devs A Corps, go to Finals in SoCal, and get rings. Unfortunately, only 1 of us did it. There was no major emergency that stopped the other three of us from marching. Basically, just life.

It just really kinda hit me. I need my priorities in check. I could be wearing that ring, but I didn't make it a serious goal in my life. Now, I have only 2 years left to do it. I also realized that I don't really care about the ring, I just want to march there. I'll regret it my whole life if I don't.


I ate like crap at Trevor's family's house this weekend, but we had a puppy emergency on Friday night that made me need comfort food. In reality, it wasn't too bad, just more food than normal. But puppy is doing better, my best friend is coming home to motivate me, boyfriend is gonna kick my butt if I don't practice...things will work themselves out.

I'm just really stressed right now. I hear working out is a good remedy for that ;)